
FES Office Opening Ceremony 2013

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, do you know that God is faithful all the time? Do you know that God always journeys with us no matter how the situation? This is what happened to our FES Northen region.

FES Northen region had moved into their new office at Sri Saujana, Sg. Dua around 6 months ago. Why they moved into new office? Well, it was because the owner of previous office had decided to sell her unit, and they had to move out in 3 months time.

I was told by Grace (FES Northen region staff) that at the moment, they had many things to do. They had to prepare for the Camp Cam, paper works, meetings, and others. They didn't have the time to really focus on searching new place for their new office. They just got little time to pack their stuffs and find new place. It was a rush for them.

But, our God is faithful.

By God's grace, they found a unit in Sri Saujana. It was a strategic location because it just very near to USM, and also KFC. Haha!! Beside that, it is near to majority neighbor as many mamak restorans just around the unit. This can be a great opportunity to be an agent of racial reconciliation between majority neighbor, Indians, and others. Although the unit is smaller compared to previous office, but God's grace is enough. They managed to move in all their stuffs into the new office. With the helps from few brothers near Northen region, all heavy and big things were moved to new office.

A bit of history recaps, FES Northen region office had been started to operate in the year of 2004. It had 7 years how God used the previous office to bless students in the Northen region, and also be a safe, warm, and happy "home" to many students and staffs.

It was a journey that God walked with FES staffs.

On that day, the staffs from Center region came to support and helped on the preparation for the ceremony. The guesses were lecturers, advisers, pastor, graduates, and students. We were celebrating for the grace and messy of God and we prayed that God continue to bless this new office and staffs to be closer to community, student, and majority neighbor.

It was a day to remember, remember how God journeyed with us.

General Secretary of FES Malaysia, Sis Kim Cheng, gave a speech that touched my heart. She used Exodus 33:12-17 in her sharing.  In the bible verse, this is what happened: Moses knew what God wanted him to do, which is leading people of Israel to the promised land. Ya, indeed, he knew that. But the question is where is the promised land? He didn't know where God is taking him, and how God lead him. And Moses said if God didn't present with him, did not send them. And one thing that Moses seek, is to ask God to teach him Thy way so that he can continue to find favor to God. Sometime, as we serve, we did a lot of things, may busy like Martha, but did we ask God to teach us His way in our serving? Yesterday, in my church service, pastor also talked the same thing. Did our plan bigger than God that after we decided or planned, then we prayed that "God, this is your work. May you yourself bless it."? Are we forcing God to accept our plans in life? God said to Moses: "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Dear brother and sister, rest in God is much more important than how much we served. We can serve a lot, but are our serving pleased God? Rest in Him, and ask God to teach us Thy way! And verse 17 is a promising words by our God because He know us by name! It is such greater honor when we are pleased in the eye of God when we journey along with God.

What I can say is God is a faithful. Although sometime we might not faithful to God, but God always there for us. Lead us through the hard time and struggles. And here, I would like to thank FES Northen staffs: Grace, Dashini, Sue Min for their unfailing passion, genuine care and encouragement, and loving heart to all the students in Northen region, espeacially to UUM CF and CFCD.

May God continue to bless this new office to be a place that will have meaningful conversations, safe place for sorrows, resting ground for those that tired, and a place where students, staffs, and colleagues can encounter God! God bless!

From left to right: Sue Min, Dashini, Grace

Old office looks like..

Small corner at old office..

On that day....

General Secretary of FES Malaysia, Sis Kim Cheng  sharing..

Our Grace..^^

Pray and interact..

Treasure full of memories..

N.O.R.T.H by Sis Kim Cheng.. N for Neighbor alert

N.O.R.T.H by Sis Kim Cheng.. O for Only You, Lord!

N.O.R.T.H by Sis Kim Cheng.. R for Refuge & Reconciliation

N.O.R.T.H by Sis Kim Cheng.. T for Testimony of God's word & presence
N.O.R.T.H by Sis Kim Cheng.. H for Heed  His call & Healing for our land

Words by,
Little John