
Camp Cameron 2013

Methodist Centennial Chefoo Centre, Brinchang, Cameron Highlands

To build a foundation of Christian living and discipleship

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Closing Date???
21st May 2013

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*You may pass the form to Hooi Kim(慧琴).

Senior's Experiences.....

对于cam camp 我只想说。。。

John 经恩:
In the beauty of nature, I encountered with You. This was my experience in Camp Cam 2012.

I knew of this cam at sem 2, where Grace Yoong invited me to join the cam. Due to financial issue, and at the same time there was another camp in that period, I finally chose the cheaper fee camp. At that time, only Jia Shen and Boon How went to that camp. We planned to exchange the experience after the camps.

I can’t really recall what they shared to me about Camp Cam, but one thing I can remembered was they had a little difficult time in communication because English was the main language there. But, it didn’t stop them to speak and share.

Before I joined the camp, I was tired. Beside physically tired, my emotional and spiritual were exhausted. I needed to find rest in Him, but I can’t find one. I was busy with my assignment and serving, and at last my body and soul gave me a huge alarm. And, in that moment, I knew that I need God and close to Him again.

Finally, I signed up for the cam. I was financially very tight as I had another camp before Camp Cam. But God’s grace is enough, I was able to get a loan from Camp Cam as I only needed to paid half of the camp fee first. The camp fee was RM240, plus RM9 for ‘don’t know what fee’ (haha!! Forget already..), I just had RM250 in my wallet. But I managed to buy bus ticket home. Thanks God!

3 weeks of the camp, the longest camp I ever joined, also the most meaningful and wonderful camp I ever joined. How excited? Compare to the other camps, Camp Cam didn’t have tight schedule. Meaning that you got our own free time. Free time to rest, talk to staff, or free to walk around the camp site and meditate on God’s words. Its purpose is to let you yourself encounter God in your very own ways. Beside the talks and interesting bible study methods, most of the time is about how you spend it, wisely. It is a great camp for those who seek rest in Him.

During the camp, many of us encounter God in their own ways. We had sharing in each family (groups), and we prayed for each other like a family. We encouraged, had fun, tears like brothers and sisters in a family. It was great!

My quiet time on Sabbath always in a same place: under a big tree. Because I can rest whenever I wanted to and woke up to write down my feeling for the weeks, and meditate on God’s words. And when I walked around the camp and saw that tree, I can picture that my soul was like the tree. No matter rain, wind, nor sun, it still firm in its place, providing shelter for those who needed.  And for me, God really spoke to me through my diary. What I wanted, God had spoken to me so clearly until I was shocked when I revised my diary in quiet moment on Sabbath.

I don’t want to write too much about what will happen in Camp Cam because it will spoil all the special moments. Haha!! But I strongly encourage juniors to go. If possible, seniors, who are in the final year, go as well. Don’t worry about the fee. It will definitely worth because the meals were extremely GOOD!! Haha!!

Dear brothers and sisters, it may be once in your life time to join Camp Cam. Don’t waste this once-in-a-life-time chance! If you are free this July, perhaps you can ask Grace to join the camp. If you are tired physically, emotionally, and spiritually, then this is the camp that refreshes and revives you once again!